Well it has been a very interesting week with lots of firsts for all of us. Kevin finished his first semester of law school and lived to tell the tale. Kevin celebrated by doing yard work. This may sound crazy but Kevin loves diging in the dirt and trimming trees and bushes. He is very excited about the compost pile he started a couple of weeks ago. It makes him extreemly happy to go out there and mix it up. Yes he is a little wierd but absolutely adorable. I too had to survive Kevin's finals because he is such a good help and I missed him. I am very glad that I have him home for a whole month.
Lily had many firsts. She turned 5 months on the 13th and has started sitting unassisted (most of the time--she still has the occasional loss of balance). We have started feeding her rice cereal. She loves it although has had a little difficulty keeping it in her mouth. She is getting big so fast. We decided to try to give her a bath at night again. We gave her baths in the morning because previously when we tried at night she stayed up all night. She now finds it rather relaxing and has slept really well. On the 14th she had three firsts. She rolled over all by her self. I was so glad that Kevin was here to see that. She also started sucking on her toes. She also had her first fall. She rolled off the couch and onto the floor. She bumped her head. She is totally fine but I was really paranoid and felt like the worst mother in the whole world. She doesn't even have a bruise. I cried more than she did about it. It is amazing how much you hurt when you sweet little one is hurting. We called both of our moms right away to see if we needed to take Lily to the hosptial. They both sort of laughed at us asking the same questions. It sort of went like this:
Is crying now? no
Did she fall on carpet? yes
Is there a bump? no
Is she bleeding? no
Is she acting weird? no
I think she will be fine just watch her. I remember when (insert name)fell and bumped his head the first time. He was fine and Lily will be fine too. I know you feel like a terrible mother but she really is fine.
It really makes you feel better to her your mother tell you that you really haven't eternally damaged your child. Lily has been just fine ever since and I am "wiser for the wear." So thank you very much moms.